Netwerk van therapeuten
en psychologen

the only chance I had

When depressed it seemed I just could die at any moment
That close to being dead. But that feeling alone, it would not stop my heart
In this perspective, depression, I tried to weigh quite harmless. As smart
As possible, I told “ridiculous”, at those devils sent

From the caves I call my illness. It is a Harry Potter joke.
It made me laugh while crying
Don’t do stupid things you can’t regret, when dying
Or when dead. Please, do nothing to provoke

The saddest of conclusions to this feeling bad
A change of heart in the afterlife, it will not be
Nor will you agree being dead is the best thing you could do

The only chance I had
To grow, -while weak-, more healthy
Was medication. Thus happened. My best I wish to you

Yoram Diamand
> 2 jaar geleden

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