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Lisa | Counselor and coach
Therapy Heemstede
Are you looking for a counselor or coach whom you can contact at short notice? I'm happy to help. Perhaps you suffer from stress or burnout symptoms, anxiety or panic, trauma or persistent pain (e.g. IBS).
I have experience in treating issues that may have a psychological and or physical impact. In combination with talking therapy I work with EMDR and cognitive hypnotherapy and also - body-oriented - with Craniosacral therapy and the Buteyko method (breathing therapy). We discuss what is suitable for you personally. If it is important for your recovery and development, you will learn exercises and skills that you will continue with between sessions at home.
Treatment sessions
It is important to find out why the problem persists. For example, persistent anxiety often has to do with avoidance behavior. Otherwise, you may have fear about the future and have - realistic or not so realistic - concerns that deserve attention.
As our body and mind are intertwined, our thoughts and feelings have a mutual influence. During our sessions we pay attention to this, and I react flexible at what is needed at that moment. I respond to what you say and experience.
About myself
If you want to know more or make an appointment, please feel free to contact me.
Online therapy
Online I give talking therapy, hypnotherapy and the Buteyko breathing therapy.
Qualifications and registrations
- 2022-2023: Training in Craniosacral therapy at the Upledger Instituut
- 2022: Hypnotherapy with children and teens, at the UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy, Londen
- 2019-2022: Further training in the Buteyko method
- 2020-2021: EMDR-master practitioner, BiVT
- 2018: Training as Buteyko-therapistt at Buteyko Academie;
- 2018: Course Pain analyses and treatment at Stichting ITON;
- 2018: Masterclass clinical hypnosis at NVVH
- 2017-2018: Psychosocial and Medical Basic Knowledge at CIVAS
- 2016-2017: Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy, at The UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy, Londen
- 2008: Master of Business Administration (MScBA), University of Groningen
- 1991: Human Resources Management (MCs); University of Tilburg
- 1987: Psychologie (propedeutic exam), Universiteit of Utrecht

EMDR therapy
We can use EMDR if you continue to suffer from one or more profound past experiences. This is the case when those memories recur in situations similar to the traumatizing event. This can be accompanied by strong emotions, vivid images and physical reactions including hyperventilation or pain.
EMDR is a method by which you reprocess the memory so that it loses its emotional impact.
Hypnotherapy is a comfortable method for stress, fears and phobias and in particular for pain management. In hypnosis you will be guided by me with therapeutic suggestions which I tailor to the problem and the goal you want to achieve.
You use your imagination to change negative thoughts into positive, helpful thoughts, which in turn affect your emotions and bodily sensations.
Craniosacral therapy
In craniosacral therapy I work with gentle manual techniques aimed at tense areas in the body. During the treatment you simply lie dressed on the treatment table. My treatment aims to (re)find relaxation, support recovery from stress or trauma or reduce pain.
Clients in my practice usually follow it as an additional method during the therapy process
Buteyko breathing therapy
It takes about fives sessions to learn the entire Buteyko method. The goal of the therapy is to restore nasal breathing and normal, functional breathing patterns.
The method is effective for respiratory diseases, but also for stress and anxiety, hyperventilation, high blood pressure and sleeping problems. During the sessions I explain what healthy breathing is and you will learn all the exercises that are suitable for you. At home, you actively work on this. During the sessions we evaluate your progress
Therapies offered
- ✓ Angst therapie
- ✓ Burnout therapie
- ✓ Coaching
- ✓ Cognitieve gedragstherapie
- ✓ Cognitieve therapie
- ✓ Counselling
- ✓ Cursussen en trainingen
- ✓ EMDR-therapie
- ✓ English speaking therapy
- ✓ Gesprekstherapie
- ✓ Hypnotherapie
- ✓ Integratieve psychotherapie
- ✓ Lichaamsgerichte therapie
- ✓ Life Coaching
- ✓ Loopbaancoaching
- ✓ Online therapie
- ✓ Oplossingsgerichte therapie
- ✓ PDS-therapie
- ✓ Personal coaching
- ✓ Psychosociale therapie
- ✓ Rouwbegeleiding
- ✓ Traumatherapie
- ✓ Werkgerelateerde therapie
Areas of counselling I can help with
- ✓ Angsten
- ✓ Assertiever worden
- ✓ Bindingsangst
- ✓ Boosheid
- ✓ Burnout
- ✓ Communicatieproblemen
- ✓ Concentratieproblemen
- ✓ Depressieve gevoelens
- ✓ Echtscheiding
- ✓ Eenzaamheid
- ✓ Faalangst
- ✓ Fobie
- ✓ Gedragsproblemen
- ✓ Grenzen aangeven
- ✓ Hoofdpijn en migraine
- ✓ Hooggevoeligheid
- ✓ Hyperventilatie
- ✓ Jaloezie
- ✓ Laag zelfbeeld
- ✓ Liefdesverdriet
- ✓ Negatief zelfbeeld
- ✓ Niet lekker in je vel zitten
- ✓ Onrust
- ✓ Onzekerheid
- ✓ Overspannen
- ✓ Paniekaanval
- ✓ Prikkelbare darm
- ✓ Perfectionisme
- ✓ Persoonlijke ontwikkeling
- ✓ Piekeren
- ✓ Posttraumatische stressstoornis
- ✓ Psychosomatische klachten
- ✓ Relatieproblemen
- ✓ Rouwverwerking
- ✓ Slaapproblemen
- ✓ Sociale angst
- ✓ SOLK / ALK
- ✓ Stemmingswisselingen
- ✓ Stress en spanning
- ✓ Studieproblemen
- ✓ Traumaverwerking
- ✓ Woedeaanvallen
€ 90 for a separate consultation of 60 minutes. You can also choose a prepaid package of 5 sessions (€ 82.50 per consultation).
Adjusted rates apply to coaching sessions paid for by the employer.
My consultations are (partly) reimbursed by most health insurers from the supplementary insurance for alternative care. Do inquire with your insurer yourself.
An appointment can be changed free of charge up to 24 hours before the appointment, and cancelled up to 48 hours before the appointment.
Availability (Opening hours)
Monday | 09:00-17:00 and 19:00-20:30 |
Tuesday | 09:00-17:00 |
Wednesday | 09:00-17:00 and 19:00-20:30 |
Thursday | 09:00-17:00 |
Friday | 09:00-17:00 |
Saturday | - |
Sunday | - |
Mijn praktijk ligt in Heemstede.
Ik ontvang mensen uit de regio Heemstede, Haarlem, Hoofddorp, Hillegom, Haarlemmermeer.
Contact me
Do you want to make an appointment or do you have a question?Send a message
( No, I will search some more )
Leave a message and I will contact you as soon as possible.
- ✓ 400+ therapeuten
- ✓ Snel een afspraak
- ✓ Ook online therapie