Netwerk van therapeuten
en psychologen
Social psychiatric nurse / Therapist / Trainer / Coach - Nederland - Karin
Online Therapist & Coach
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Karin | Social psychiatric nurse / Therapist / Trainer / Coach

Online Therapist & Coach

Therapy, coaching, training

I founded my practice in 2007. In addition to my own practice for therapy and coaching, I have worked at GGzE for over 22 years, including as a case manager for complex and long-term requests for help, as an SPV at the ACT team for early psychosis and then as a trainer at the autism center. I combined both jobs for a long time.

Because more and more clients have found their way to my practice in recent years, I quit my other job, which has allowed me to fully focus on my own practice for quite some time now.

In addition to working with insightful conversation techniques, I work in a body-oriented way. You can go for individual conversations, and various training courses are also offered in groups. Learning with and from each other stimulates and ensures that you can get the most out of yourself.

What can you expect from me?

I offer you my full attention, I like to have real contact, to share about what really matters to you and work from a genuine interest in people.

Over the past 30 years I have worked on my personal development, by delving into mindset and emotions and I have further developed my intuition through mediation, among other things. I bring this knowledge and experience to every session.

From an open mindset I ask you questions that help you to get the best out of yourself. If you also want to grow and develop personally, you are more than welcome. I look forward to getting to know you.

"An important starting point in my working method is the belief in the ability of every person to recover and develop themselves. You can give direction to your own life. I help people find their own path in a committed way."



Online therapy

Online therapy

My clients alternate between staying in the Netherlands and abroad, which makes working online a good solution. The period in which corona made us stay at home also gave an extra boost to working online, after which I continued to work more online.

I discovered that online hypnotherapy and even EMDR/Brainspotting works very well. I also like to follow online training courses.

Working online gives us the opportunity to connect with each other worldwide.

Another advantage of online treatment is that you can stay at home in your safe environment and do not need travel time and therefore no transport. Moreover, the treatment can also continue if you are abroad or otherwise away from home (more often). 

My experience is that most people who consciously choose online treatment or are unsure and want to try it from a practical point of view are very satisfied.

It is important that you have a quiet and comfortable place for the online sessions where you will not be disturbed.  Also be sure to check if you have a well-functioning connection.  It is also possible on the phone. The sessions take place via zoom, Teams or facetime.  You can indicate your own preference.

Opleidingen en registraties

Qualifications and registrations

BIG register





  • Self development 
  • Stress managment
  • Burn out
  • Anxiety
  • Autism
  • Grief and loss

Most common issues I support people with:

  • coaching
  • mentally fit training
  • mindfulness
  • compassion training
  • act and commitment
  • hypnotherapy
  • Emdr/brainspotting

Therapies offered

  • ACT therapie
  • Brainspotting Therapie
  • Burnout therapie
  • EFT-relatietherapie
  • EMDR-therapie
  • Hypnotherapie
  • Meditatie
  • Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness therapie
  • Mindfulness training
  • Online therapie
  • Rouwbegeleiding
  • Traumatherapie

Areas of counselling I can help with



  • psychosocial consultation €125
  • coaching €125 exclusive vat
  • couples therapy €75 each person

Availability (Opening hours)

Monday 800-1715
Tuesday 800-1715
Wednesday 800-1715
Thursday 800-1715
Friday n/a
Saturday n/a
Sunday n/a


Contact me

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