Netwerk van therapeuten
en psychologen

all emotions are welcome

We can think, feel, and do. We have thoughts, we feel emotions and we act with our physical bodies. We can think, feel, and do, because all three are useful, even necessary.

In our Western world thinking and doing are predominant. Feeling is a bit of a cast-out. It could be because our society is oriented on masculine energy whereas feeling is part of the underrated feminine energy.

To be in balance means balancing your male and female energies. Women have, by nature, a stronger connection to feeling (and being, the fourth level I haven't mentioned yet), and finding balance means incorporating thinking and doing. Men have, by nature, a stronger connection to thinking and doing by nature and for them creating balance means incorporating feeling.

Both boys and girls are poorly educated on how to deal with emotions healthily. You've probably heard of the expression 'boys don't cry', like boys are never said. For girls/women anger is usually the taboo emotion.

However, there are no bad emotions. All emotions want just one thing and that is to be felt. If you embrace the emotion completely, any emotion, it may be intense for a little while, but after 1 or 2 minutes the emotion will transform by itself.

If you don't express emotions healthily, they become unhealthy. This may lead to all kinds of physical, emotional, or social problems. When emotions turn unhealthy they become destructive where the raw emotion itself never does.

So, embrace your emotions. All of them.

How you express them is a choice.


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